Monday, April 28, 2008

Article9, 5-minutes Sex Discipline, Your Marriages can be Built to Last for 50 Years!

[Relationships:Sexuality] Take 5 minutes to read through. Be sex disciplined! Sex discipline is seldom taught at home or in schools. But lack of sex discipline sure makes a great difference to the outcome of many family lives. Many happy marriages are at stake! Many breakups are on the rise! Many divorces are in the air! Many are living in miseries, guilt and remorse. Be sexually disciplined and your marriage can be built to last for 50 years or more!

Sex discipline? Do we need that?

What are the morals on sex? Many people are not aware of sex discipline. Perhaps it is due to many people's ignorance. It is a sad thing that sex crimes are on the rise. Sex criminals are everywhere. It is getting out of control. Sex itself is never wrong, but the way one does it is wrong. It is of great concern to all of us.

Here are 10 valuable rules that one should know about sex discipline.

The right concept of sex

The right concept of making love is strictly restricted to sex among willing males and females above 18 and are those who are truly in love. It is a noble expression of proving their love for one another. Sex is a seal of love towards the making of another new family. It is considered holy and sacred where there is genuine love between married spouses.

No sex should be allowed among family members nor close relatives. It is also to prevent abnormal genetic heritage that might lead to mutated offsprings. Incest is a shame and a disgrace in our community. Extramarital affairs are considered sinful and committing adultery, the Bible says.

Restrictions are for the best of all

No cross-breed of other beings besides human beings is allowed. Sex with animals or any breed is a curse and is seriously prohibited. One will pay dearly for cross-breed among animals or other creatures not that of homo sapien. The aftermaths too horrifying and unpredictable.

Legal laws are set to protect, not to promote fear

We are glad that there are legal laws still protecting underaged children from being exploited and manipulated as sex tools in illegal flesh industries. Underaged sex is prohibited too. Sounds like law and order, right? It makes sense! It spells logic! Proper and appropriate laws will bring forth peace and order in a family.

Genuine love stays to unite the family

Genuine love is truly reflected by family togetherness. Genuine love emphasizes on achieving family happiness and puts family first in importance. With that concept deeply embedded in our mind, all of us are willing to solve small and budding problems that comes our way..

The parents will know what is best for the family and will find precious time in the fostering of close relationships among them. A healthy and happy family is a pride in the society and will uphold good images and examples. Thus genuine love will stand strong and unfailing to trials and temptations.

No comparison please!

Each of us are our own best. There is not another one who can resemble us in face, voice, in physique, in talents, in qualities or personalities. Comparison hurts, comparison destroys. We are our own very best! There is no need to compare.

A bird in our hand is much better than many in the bushes. If one starts comparing, he won't stop at just one. It is merely his bad habits and he will continue to keep comparing. Be wise to understand that comparisons will lead to more comparisons. Is not a woman also a lady? Is not that lady a woman too? Will familiarity breeds contempt? Will one treat our spouses as faded clothing to be thrown away after use? And get another new one? That is a real unkind thing to do! There is this law of harvest to be considered.

The importance of parenting

Parenting means new births. One should uphold the meaning of parenting. Parents should be responsible for the shaping of our younger generations. We should lead by decent and noble examples. We should work hard to make marriage stay. Parenting needs mutual understanding and patience in the face of adversities.

Look at the animal kingdom. Animal parents are aggressive parents and are extremely loving and caring for their young. Their parents will go to great extend to provide for their young. Learn from these smaller creatures too... Those mother birds..... Are we not better than these small animals?

The importance of responsibilities

A father has his responsibilities, a mother too has her responsibilities in the upbringing of her children. Love includes give and take. Love is patient and always sees answers instead of problems. Love is to be nurtured. Emotional weeds and wild plants grow due to neglect and lack of care and concern..

We should bank in kind words, decent character, faith, good deeds into our love account and prevent withdrawals like cheats, dishonesty and infidelity. Once the account goes bankrupt, the marriage will be on dangerous grounds.. The bigger one's love account is, the more stable the marriage would be.

Be principle-centered!

A principle-centered person knows how to manage his time and live a balanced life. He will know how to do things in accordance of importance. Generally, they are productive in all ways. A balanced life-style will be his trait.

The side-effects of improper love

Sex crimes and criminals are negative, aggressive and destructive. They are slowly polluting our teenager's mind and body. Emotionally, some are not ready for parenting. Some adverse effects for young girls and woman will be painful and hateful abortions. And not to forget sex transmitted diseases. In the United States alone, an estimated 15.3 million new cases of STDs are reported each year.

One can get and pass STDs through vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Each STD causes different health problems, overall, they can cause cervical cancer and other cancers, liver disease, pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, pregnancy problems, and other complications. Some STDs increase your risk of getting HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS can cause a number of health problems and raise the risk of getting life-threatening diseases and certain forms of cancer.

Be loving and forgiving!

The best point to sum up the correct concept of love will be the art of loving and forgiving. Selfish love is built on taking and forgetting. Do not make a mockery of the meaning of genuine LOVE! It should not be distorted!

We should learn to discipline our sex urges, do not blame any male's testosterone. We should be master of our body, not the other way round. One should learn not to emphasize on sensual pleasure of our flesh. We should go beyond that. We should move forward to achieving spiritual bliss that brings real happiness, wealth and health. Aim to achieve all 4 dimensions of health.

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Lucie is a someone with wide interests and skills, Doctor of the future, Nutritionist, food therapist, 21st Century Businesslady, and an Educator, an Artist, Acupunturist, a Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Consultant. She is well-loved among her people and family. PUT THINGS RIGHT, BE IT HEALTH, WEALTH OR BEAUTY She loves to learn new things, meet new people, is positive and optimistic, can be a great friend, pleasant, helpful and understanding. She has traveled far, to the states, Rome, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan just to name a few.. She has taught in secondary school for 8 years and home tutor for more than a decade. Main motive: educare - to educate and care for mankind She has more than 30 blogs as recommended above. She loves to travel. She has touched many people;s lives and will continue to... Contact number is 0138018033