Monday, April 28, 2008

Article 7, IQ at its BEST! Are we all Geniuses in the Making?,

[Self-Improvement] All of us are born equipped with 'instincts' of emotions and the will of survival and self-protection. How important is this IQ, to all of us? All of us are 'geniuses in the making!' Can all of us accept the fact that our children of today are much more smarter and intelligent than we were before? Why the change? How is it possible? Knowledge inherited, acquired, accumulated, regenerated and tapped will bring forth a very much improved populace in this earth and as Masters of the future - OUR KIDS!

IQ is the basic Q that we should master to understand fully the other Qs. The moment we were born of a mother's womb, we are capable of showing some of our inherited intelligence that matures as one grows. Even small babies know how to cry for food and for attention. They know about motherly love and whom to search for milk.

All of us are born equipped with 'instincts' of emotions and the will of survival and self-protection. How important is this IQ then? How has IQ helped us? Inherited? Yes, inherited from our ancestors who have lived millions of years ago. Just imagine, we have inherited millions of years of wisdom and intelligence from all of them. We are genius of our own.

Living in this 21st century, in our very much modernized world, we are aware of how all man have trusted and built a person's ability and capability based on certificates that proves a person's intelligence. It is no new thing that we now judge a person's intelligence from certificates.

With that in mind, it also means that a person's future or his success or failure very much depends on the certificates in his hands. That is why IQ is so very important. Understanding that these certificates are so valuable in our society, most people will struggle to produce a certificate that others will admire.

People are willing to spend years in schools and institutes to obtain the highest awards or certificates available. Some even competing with one another as to how early one is sent to preschools and seeking the highest awarded professionals to teach their kids. Thus it is not uncommon that most parents build their happiness on their children's qualifications obtained from schools or universities.

When 90% of the population are sailing on the same boat and are so goal-orientated towards 'intelligence in the making', one can see how important IQ is. Because of its importance, priorities and attention are focused and given to all learning institutes and in the mastering of skills for every small ones. Much effort is spent in the molding of these new generations to be what we thought would be best for them.

Let's go back to my definition on IQ. It is inherited and acquired. Well, do you ever realized that our beloved ex-teachers, whom we greatly admired are now not that smart as who we thought they were once upon a time? And that we are actually equally good or better than them now? Can one realize that all of us are improving and exposing our hidden potentially huge traits as a better genius?

Are we not understanding that our children have also inherited our intelligence? Do you know that one can also tap knowledge from the air? Forgive me, from the air? Yes, it is. From the air means just from this universe where many wise men or sages who have died but left behind their wisdom and knowledge. Wisdom is never lost, always remember this. Thoughts are constantly born into this world but left untapped since most people only search for knowledge from books and learning institutes and FORGET to tap our inner intelligence, a rare valuable gift inherited from our parents, our ancestors and our Creator.

Don't one also hit on some good ideas out of nowhere? Yes, you will agree to me that sometimes good ideas just pop out from nowhere. But where is this source of nowhere? How are such ideas born? How can we tap it? Where are all these 'good ideas' from? Why do we need to sharpen our wits? How is it explained? Can one accept this explanation? Our world did lived heroes, scientists, artists, leaders, sages, great men and women whose ideas are still living until now, regenerated and revitalized by those who felt the need to. Enlivened by those who possessed this skill of tapping them to enhance their inherited and acquired knowledge.

Can all of us accept the fact that our children of today are much more smarter and intelligent than we were before? Why the change? How is it possible? Why is it like that? Better than us? You mean our little children? Yes, they are definitely better chanced than all of us.

To teach or not to? We are all 'geniuses in the making' tapping our inner potentials and intelligence that was there and will be there. I am ever so excited to look into the welfare of our next generations, a smarter breed. Don't wait to see, join the race of tapping into our inner wisdom that are already in existence, stored deep inside our brain. Yes, our brain, tapped and untapped knowledge and wisdom from within, not outside.

But NEVER underestimate what our next generations can contribute, they are supposed to be reaching beyond our knowledge limits, much more clever then ever before! They have inherited, accumulated and re-generated an improved populace that can meet just any challenge, as masters of the future, as masters of our universe, who can survive even the toughest environment. They are growing better, stronger, powerfully mutated to survive and win.

Our future breed will be making improvements every seconds and minutes, tapping into deeper potentials of our unexplored human brain. A genius is said to be using only barely a few percent of our brain. I totally agreed to it. There is so much more space towards tapping our human resources, potentially powerful. If what we are searching from outside cannot maximize our IQ, why not seek from within, our inherited intelligence?

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Lucie is a someone with wide interests and skills, Doctor of the future, Nutritionist, food therapist, 21st Century Businesslady, and an Educator, an Artist, Acupunturist, a Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Consultant. She is well-loved among her people and family. PUT THINGS RIGHT, BE IT HEALTH, WEALTH OR BEAUTY She loves to learn new things, meet new people, is positive and optimistic, can be a great friend, pleasant, helpful and understanding. She has traveled far, to the states, Rome, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan just to name a few.. She has taught in secondary school for 8 years and home tutor for more than a decade. Main motive: educare - to educate and care for mankind She has more than 30 blogs as recommended above. She loves to travel. She has touched many people;s lives and will continue to... Contact number is 0138018033