[Home-and-Family] Are you married happily? Or married unhappily? Treat marriage holy and scared, that is what I have to say! It is not a suit bought and discarded when torn or faded. Marriage is a seal between two person who agreed to come together to build a new family. True love is long-suffering, patient, understanding and faithful in the awakening of the other's love. True love knows no barriers, no challenges, no flaws and it is always forgive and forget. Build on a win/win situation, patience, trust, faith & tolerance etc...
Take note of these 3 phrases. I used to share the following phrases with my friends...
[1] "True love is long-suffering, patient, understanding and faithful in the awakening of the other's love'
[2] "True love knows no barriers, no challenges, no flaws and it is always forgive and forget...."
[3] "Give your heart to only one, but your smiles to everyone.'
This should be expected between husband and wife partnerships. To foster a relationship and to maintain it needs skills to do so. It is of quite importance that one should stay faithful to each other. It is a comforting feeling that the presence of children will always cement relationships among parents.
One should not regret for a choice one made in marriage. It has been fated that the two of them should come together to produce new offspring.. Marriage isn't a buying up a suit and after feeling bored with it, throw it away and buy another new one. If you have made the vow or choice, never regret. It is a decision made to last or else this world will be in chaos.
Knowing that a suit can get faded and torn, it is the same for all ladies and gentlemen. No one will stay at 18 forever and no one is wise enough to pick a perfect choice when infatuated. Love isn't built on beds of roses, it is not just milk and honey... or darling for ever, agreed? The coming together of 2 person that comes from 2 different worlds are facing many realities of life when they start to live together.
[4] 'Tolerance, patience, persistence, interdependence, confidence, trust, open-ness, win/win situations, are attributes that can build a relationship, and the question is 'Are you willing to make it work?'
My mentor used to joke.... in this love thing, one always start from a stranger to friend and then to lovers, but after marriage, it becomes the opposite. Now it is from lovers, cold friends, then to strangers...eventually leading to breakups. Why is it always like this? What has gone wrong? When one is in love, each can sacrifice almost anything to gain each other's love, but now it is just the opposite.
Familiarity breeds contempt? Bored? Discovered something? Unwilling to change? Too sophisticated? Stagnant/stale relationship? Language barrier? Body barrier? One is lagging behind? Discrimination? Too attached? Too much dependence? No money, no talk? Someone is more sexy? 3rd party? Love problems? Health problems? Lack of sexual desire? No comfort? Too unresponsive? Too naive? No electricity? His faults? His bad character? No brains? the lists will be too long to write...
I have come across many women in emotional distress, and never even dared to talk about their failure in their love-life and family, about love fading, being ,deceived, about being jilted, about being left cold, about being sandwiched in between another mistress, losing interest in sex life and poor health. Most of these women suffered in silence and seemed to hoard all these negatives in their heart and mind. These women are sometimes so stressed that they released their angers on their own children. Just imagine, hurting physically or hurling hurting remarks to young children, their own kids and regretting later. We call that child abuse, this isn't a new issue, right?
How much more pitiful sights should one hear or see? How distressing it is to see these women being provoked and couldn't control their anger and hate? The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, heard this phrase? The young will be indirectly influenced by bad temper and be ill-treated with abusive, rough meaningless words. That is why the morals of modern world have corrupted due to the improper bringing up of distressed mothers and maids or amahs their children grew up with. Instead of their own mothers, they grow up with Indonesian maids or amahs, and eventually they talk and think like one...
Emotional balance for a wife or a mother is too important in the structuring or influencing of our next generations. So, it again goes back to a happy family where the parents should be in good terms with each other. Parents should show good examples and lead the way to true happiness. Separations or divorces will be too hurting to each and everyone of the concerned.
[5] Treat this relationship as a journey instead of a destination.... All of us starts from strangers budding to friends, then to lovers, then to parents, grandparents and even lying beside each other when cold and lifeless.......companions for this life and eternity. Ever thought of it? It has been fated as I have said.
I came across an old wise man who told me this. "Husband and Wife is one life!" This only phrase awaken in me a reality, an understanding that I thought never would be. This awakening becomes my answer to my problems... I came to understand that 'his is also mine, mine is also his....', his problems are also mine, his wrongs or rights are also mine. There is no escape. Never think of fair or not fair....
[6] Yes, there is no escape on fair or not fair, or who is doing the lions share of work or anything..... Another wise old man told me too that if one demands justice in this topic of you love me, so I love you, you give, so I also give; you work, so I work.....there will never be any peace. Where is JUSTICE? Justice cannot be applied in 'male or female equal rights!' The more you fight, the more hurt it will bring.... the more sufferings will be there...
This husband and wife's love is a selfish love, but without it, there will be chaos. A perfect love between spouses will be proven when and where no third party can intrude or go in between them. An imperfect love will allow a third party to interrupt or is that an excuse for some? .
[7] The power of love and sex should never be underestimated. It has moved mountains and created histories of countless victories and failures. Many heroes still fall onto the feet of beauties, losing fame, families and failing their missions. Too many heroes and heroines are attracted by outer beauty, not inner beauty. Too many heroes and heroines preferred to be lured into the fantasies and wonders of forbidden love. The forbidden fruits too delicious to avoid. What can we do? Samson the strongest man fell to ruins too. He regretted and said. "A night's sensual pleasure is not worth a lifetime's imprisonment and death was the punishment!" It wasn't just a story.
Who are we to say that they are wrong? Who are we to say that they shouldn't or couldn't do this or that? But it has been written in the 10 commandments that we shouldn't commit adultery. Not the bible only, but wise teachings too. A solid marriage is only solid when both partners agreed to keep it as an eternal bond, otherwise separation is too easy. And how many people are really willing to work hard to keep the marriage? How many people are patient enough to wait in the awakening of the other's love?
[8] Keeping in mind that all humans have weaknesses. To err is human, to forgive is divine. To make mistakes or not to... sometimes this passion or love thing is too complicated to explain or express.. The efforts put into untangling or disconnecting an affair or forbidden love needs tremendous strong will and determinations..... but for the sake of family happiness and togetherness, all problems should be solved. For the sake of LOVE, for the sake of the children and our parents too.....
This is a collection of articles published by Lucy Wong Moi, EzineArticles.com Expert Author. There are 37 articles published. Due to lots of traveling lately, she has not enough time to write more, hopefully they can be useful & helpful in explaining 4 dimensions of health, body, mind, emotion and spirit. Lucy emphasizes on harmony and balance in achieving total health. Love is in the sharing of helpful & useful experiences. Grow and glow, sow and reap, think twice and be wise!
- 2 golden keys
- 7 bold reasons
- 8 bold reasons
- 9 principles to live by
- Adversity quotient
- Cancer
- Emotional quotient
- Health management
- Health quotient
- Home and family
- How safe is eating chicken?
- IQ
- Lemons
- Love in the making
- love or sex?
- Multiple quotients for a loving wife
- Relationships - marriage
- Removal of 5 negatives
- Sex discipline
- Sick? Know why?
- Spiritual Quotient
- Teamwork quotient
Blog Archive
- I was in Rome, Italy, 2006
- This is me!
- Behold the beauty that all of us have embedded dee...
- Article 38, Are you in harmony with Mother Nature...
- Article 37, 12 Cancer-causing 'Elements' in our Ho...
- Article 36, 12 Cancer-Causing 'Elements' Found In ...
- Article 35, 8 Urgent Needs for a Cancer Patient to...
- Article 34, 10 Great Tips to Win the Fight of Canc...
- Article 33, Cancer Prevention - Keeping Most Cance...
- Article 32, Healthy Tips for Steady Love Relations...
- Article 31, Build Steady and Healthy Marriages, a ...
- Article 30, Healthy Marriages Promised - 16 Valuab...
- Article 29, Spiritual Quotient- Attaining Love- Fa...
- Article 28, HQ (Health Quotient) and SQ1 (Success ...
- Article 27, IQ's Best Friend- Adversity Quotient! ...
- Article 26, TQ- Work in Teams For Excellence & Re...
- Article 25, Emotional Quotient? A Sure Success in ...
- Article 24, IQ & 9 Other Unique Related Quotients ...
- Article 23, The Other Side of IQ [Part 2 of 2]
- Article 22, The Other Side of IQ [Part 1 of 2]
- Article 21, 2 Golden Keys to Unlock a Man's Heart!
- Article 20, Multiple Quotients for a Loving Wife i...
- Article 19, 8 Bold Reasons Why Women Must Not Chea...
- Article 18, 7 Bold Reasons Why Men Shouldn't Cheat...
- Article 17, Love in the Making! The Basic Requisit...
- Article 16, Love in the Making! The Basic Requisit...
- Article 15, Love in the Making! The Basic Requisit...
- Article 14, LOVE or SEX? 95% or 5%? Good or Bad In...
- Article 13, Love? Sex? Oh! That is Just 5% of What...
- Article 12, Love? Sex? Oh! That is Just 5% of What...
- Article 11, Love? Sex? Oh! That is Just 5% of What...
- Article 10, LOVE or SEX? 95% or 5%? Good or Bad In...
- Article9, 5-minutes Sex Discipline, Your Marriages...
- Article 8, Is IQ (Intelligence Quotient) The Produ...
- Article 7, IQ at its BEST! Are we all Geniuses in ...
- Article 6, How safe is eating chicken meats?
- Article 5, What can lemons do for us?
- Article 4, Sick? Know Why? Yin-Yang Imbalance? Str...
- Article 3, How To Maintain Perfect Health For Man ...
- Article 2, 9 Principles To Live By - To Be Mentall...
- Article 1, Removal of 5 Negatives, Throw out Anger...
- Introduction to Helpful and Useful collections...
Here are some other blogs managed by me... you will find them useful too...
About Me
- Lucie
- Lucie is a someone with wide interests and skills, Doctor of the future, Nutritionist, food therapist, 21st Century Businesslady, and an Educator, an Artist, Acupunturist, a Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Consultant. She is well-loved among her people and family. PUT THINGS RIGHT, BE IT HEALTH, WEALTH OR BEAUTY She loves to learn new things, meet new people, is positive and optimistic, can be a great friend, pleasant, helpful and understanding. She has traveled far, to the states, Rome, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan just to name a few.. She has taught in secondary school for 8 years and home tutor for more than a decade. Main motive: educare - to educate and care for mankind She has more than 30 blogs as recommended above. She loves to travel. She has touched many people;s lives and will continue to... Contact number is 0138018033