Monday, April 28, 2008

Article 16, Love in the Making! The Basic Requisite to Achieving Perfect Health (Part 2 of 3]

[Relationships:Love] The body, we are what we eat. When one understands that all of us are the products of love, one will not only learn to take care of our body and its physical needs, but will not destroy it! Whatsoever was the father of diseases, an ill diet was the mother, an apple a day will keep the doctor away too. Our mind, we are what we think we are! An idle mind is the workshop of evils, beware as not to fall into this trap! Love always brings miracles if only you can believe! Tune on Brain Wave A!

So, what is love here to do with the 4 dimensions of health?

Yes, there is....

The body
We are what we eat!

When one understands that all of us are the products of love from the Creator, one will not only learn to take care of our body and its physical needs, but will not destroy it! Your Creator, the One you believe, afterall we call Him different names.... Even without this understanding, we will also know how to look after ourselves, especially this thing we call hunger and thirst. This is the very basic need. Knowing and learning about proper care and balancing of our body's health should be of interest to everyone. So, this dimension of body health is mostly related to what we eat and drink and how the body response to it.

So, here comes all these phrases of great interests.....

'Whatsoever was the father of diseases, an ill diet was the mother'

and another great phase, 'prevention is better than cure!'

An apple a day will keep the doctor away...

Digging death with our teeth..regarding the skill of eating..

We are what we eat, we are what we do to the body!

Another one - 'sickness is caused by what goes into our mouth, disasters are caused by the words that comes out of our mouth', a direct translation of a chinese phrase that combines health and morals.

If one love or care enough of our body, many problems can be solved... yes, if only one can reach out to understand how to love our body, care for our body and not to destroy... this is the first step..... I always share with my friends and students, if really one cares and loves enough, our body cells will be shinning with vigor and vitality.... Many small problems regarding our body can be solved....... Thank goodness!!!.... that will be fantastic, isn't it? so, isn't this thing we call love the basic requirement for a healthy body? tell me if I am wrong......

The mind
We are what we think we are!

Overcoming self-defeating thoughts and attitudes by tuning to Brain Wave A where there is peace and love is a MUST. Focusing our mind on truth, on love and on positiveness where Love rules, will be the answer to achieve a stable mental attitude. The human mind is just like a monkey jumping and chattering on a tree.. Here comes discipline, a skill to be mastered. To put a rein on this monkey, to put a stop to endless and meaningless thoughts that disturb and upset our mental health. To know what our mind should install and what to uninstall......Since we have been accepting everything [the useful and useless], our brain becomes a big rubbish bin where everything are stored.

Our mind needs positive affirmations, our mind needs constant positive foods in the form of encouragements, concerns, strength, good wills, kindness, faith, care and good beliefs. Disciplining our mind to reinstall love in the form of accepting what is good for our mind. Our mind needs to be reprogrammed with positives, and tuned into Brain Wave A. Learn about this, practise it and benefits from it. Face adversities with a smile, overcome them in a more productive and positive ways. Who is without adversity?

'As a man thinks, so is he' by Emerson

'He who conquers himself is greater than he who taketh cities' by an Ancient Proverb

'The truth will set you free' the Bible, John 8:32

Don't be deceived by negative thoughts, they are only what we think we were!

An idle mind is the workshop of evils, beware as not to fall into this trap! You will be living in hell. You will be rotting with pain and regrets. So put our mind into use, reprogram it with positives.... reprogram it with love. Love always brings miracles if only you can believe.

The mind can also be divided into conscious and subconscious awareness. To be tuned in Brain Wave A suits well for the first part. The subconscious part of our mind can be gained entry psychologically. Wow.... what about being psychologically fit? Another dimension of health? It can be, but I am collectively putting this field under our mind.

Psychological approaches and skills should be mastered for this subconscious mind and one is again needed to be tuned to Brain Wave A to get the answers.. What about this right or left brain? How one uses our right or left brain will affect in the expanding and mastering new skills and knowledge. Our mind is the masterpiece of our body mechanism. It works best when used, so there is this phrase, 'Use it or Lose it" referring to our mind that needs constant exercising of our grey matters and the more one uses it, the better it responses......

to be continued..

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About Me

Lucie is a someone with wide interests and skills, Doctor of the future, Nutritionist, food therapist, 21st Century Businesslady, and an Educator, an Artist, Acupunturist, a Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Consultant. She is well-loved among her people and family. PUT THINGS RIGHT, BE IT HEALTH, WEALTH OR BEAUTY She loves to learn new things, meet new people, is positive and optimistic, can be a great friend, pleasant, helpful and understanding. She has traveled far, to the states, Rome, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan just to name a few.. She has taught in secondary school for 8 years and home tutor for more than a decade. Main motive: educare - to educate and care for mankind She has more than 30 blogs as recommended above. She loves to travel. She has touched many people;s lives and will continue to... Contact number is 0138018033