Monday, April 28, 2008

Article 25, Emotional Quotient? A Sure Success in Perfect Human Relationship! [Part 2 of 6]

[Self-Improvement] EQ is a skill that all of us should master and possess all positive emotions when dealing with just any situations. It is a skill about maintain beautiful human relationships. DQ is a skill that touches on improving all other Qs. All of us should be geared towards improving oneself and giving priority to developing oneself to be a better and meaningful person towards achieving your goals of life.

[2] EQ Emotional quotient
EQ is a skill that all of us should possess that includes every positive emotions and knows how to apply them when dealing with just any situations.

"If one can deal well with a someone who has bad tempers and habits, he is said to have high EQ. EQ is a skill of maintaining good relationships."

We are emotional humans with feelings, with passions and with a brain that always triggers off certain reactions or actions due to the state of emotion we are in. The passion or emotion within the person will either create or destroy the person. Positive emotions create while negative emotions destroy. Learn to master positive emotions that all of us are in dire need. Emotions or our state we are in will make or break a person. Passion of a person is just like a double-edged sword. The sharpness of the sword is unpredictable. The degree of passion cuts deep into our body, mind and soul. How can EQ be best applied? Is there a need to maintain good relationships?

Thus we should be geared towards achieving a stable emotion so as to become a person who is confident in dealing with oneself and others. No one can live happily in an island for long. We need friends. We need people around us, we are interdependent to each other in many ways. Instead of achieving personal success only, one should also aim at public success and mastering EQ is one of the requisite. All of us can enjoy an extremely good relationship when one understands the importance of EQ. EQ is a MUST skill to possess on the road towards achieving total success.

3] DQ Development Q
DQ is a skill that touches on improving all other Qs.

"Today must be better than yesterday, tomorrow must be better than today!"

Skills, techniques, faith, confidence, self-improvements, persistence and basic knowledge can be learned. All humans undergo three great learning stages, from childhood to adulthood and to mid-age till old. The 3 learning stages will be [1] learning stage [2] doing stage [3] teaching stage. One should recognize the different stages one is in. Learn, do, teach! A step a day, learning consistently and improving at all times will be good enough.

Most of us are endowed with 5 normal senses like touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. I used to tell my students that when we maximize our 5 senses, our sixth sense will appear. They were at disbelief at first, but slowly understand what I meant. My dear friends, do we actually see with our eyes? Do we actually listen with our ears? Do we feel with our heart? Do we feel the compassion? Are you aware of all things that happen around us? Are we sensitive to all changes? Are our senses dulled with ignorance? Where is our conscience? Where is our empathy?

Surviving in this world of competition, in this world of ever changing pace, all of us, no matter who we are or in what field we are, all of us should be geared towards improvement. DQ is actually a skill on how one should improve oneself. To remain stagnant is a self defeat. To remain stagnant is a actually losing, being left behind. When everyone is on the move, the one who stayed behind is the one who is left behind. Learn to master the skill of self improvement.

to be continued

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About Me

Lucie is a someone with wide interests and skills, Doctor of the future, Nutritionist, food therapist, 21st Century Businesslady, and an Educator, an Artist, Acupunturist, a Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Consultant. She is well-loved among her people and family. PUT THINGS RIGHT, BE IT HEALTH, WEALTH OR BEAUTY She loves to learn new things, meet new people, is positive and optimistic, can be a great friend, pleasant, helpful and understanding. She has traveled far, to the states, Rome, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan just to name a few.. She has taught in secondary school for 8 years and home tutor for more than a decade. Main motive: educare - to educate and care for mankind She has more than 30 blogs as recommended above. She loves to travel. She has touched many people;s lives and will continue to... Contact number is 0138018033