Monday, April 28, 2008

Article 33, Cancer Prevention - Keeping Most Cancer At Bay

[Cancer] From my many years of research and survey, I understand that cancer can be prevented at the first place. These are several tips that all of us should take precaution in preventing cancer at the first place. Most cancer cases comes from eating the wrong foods and that our body cannot eliminate the toxemia and acidosis accumulated efficiently. Prevention is so much better than cure, it is simple and easy.

Cancer prevention - tips on cancer prevention

I have lived with cancer patients, have seen and understood their ailing conditions, felt the pain, the fear, the stress, the hopeless feelings and realized how much it affected their loved ones. I have surveyed a location where there were 10 homes at a small corner of my stay where 10 families resided. From my survey, I came to know that there were 8 cases of cancer, ranging from 2 leukemia, breast cancer, 2 uterus cancer, bone cancer and colon cancer. Out of the 8 cancer cases, left only 2 who are still living until now. The rest of them didn't survive the clutch of death, most of them suffering and dying a miserable death.

I guess I was in my twenties when I did that survey. I saw them affected, suffered and died. They were short-lived from the day they were affected. No one lived more than 5 years, some as early as within a year. Nothing is ever seen or talked of them any more. Moreover, the 10 families include several diabetes cases, few strokes and many families that are also affected by B Hepatitis. Most of them have high blood pressure and are dependent on pills and medicines to maintain their health condition.

Sometimes in the still darkness of night, I would still feel the rush of unshed tears when I recalled those cases. Cancer was such a taboo to talk about and most people were scared stiff to hear about incurable cancer. But I was the inquisitive type that would go to just any limits in search for the answer. So, it was lucky of me when I got myself involved in this holistic approach towards treatment and preventive cures from food, herbs and natural, inexpensive and safe ways. I was glad that I managed to master all those skills.

From my over 20 years of experiences in holistic approaches in preventive cures and treatment, I hereby would like to share with all of you about cancer-prevention, hopeful that cancer can be placed far away from us. Here are 10 tips on how to prevent cancer. These are taken from my personal column on "Alternative Health" in

[1] Consume a variety of natural foods that contains high and good antioxidants excellent in detoxifying our body system from accumulated toxemia and acidosis. Drink enough clean unpolluted air to help flush out wastes products.

[2] Eat more locally planted vegetables and fruits, 5 servings of vegetables and 3 servings of fruits per day is advisable. Best taken raw which is rich in life-enhancing enzymes. Make sure that they are organically planted.

[3] Consume more beans or legumes that can help to prevent cells mutation

[4] Be conscious of our weight, don't over eat or stuff oneself, most cancer cases comes from overeating wrong foods and drinks. [the mandarin word of cancer is made up of 3 mouths that makes up the mountain of it, meaning overeating]

[5] Exercising moderately, go for stretching and proper breathing and make sure that our body cells are well irrigated with oxygen and rid off waste products.

[6] Don't eat burnt foods or stale fats. Fats easily go bad and are unstable and contains carcinogens when overheated or disturbed. [Beware of groundnuts, rich in fats but when those fats have distorted or gone stale, will taste weird, don't eat]

[7] Eat meats or fish sparingly [too acidic in nature]

[8] Refrain from too much alcohol drinks, refrain from smoking [don't purposely poison our body]

[9] Don't eat canned, processed, preserved foods that are high in carcinogens or preservatives, artificial flavourings and colorings

[10] 'Breathe in' positives like hope, love, self-affirmation of good health and exhale negatives like stress, fear, worries, sickness or destructive emotions.

There are some other reasons not included or explained. But you might have heard about this. 'Starve the cancer cells', don't feed them with animal proteins. Get acquainted with the wonder sprouts that contains high phyto-factors that will boost one's immune system. Prevention is so much better than cure. Spend our money wisely, do not buy 'troubles', do not 'invite' them..

Humans actually don't fall sick easily. Humans are extremely tough and strong and healthy provided we don't purposely poison ourselves with improper foods that causes toxemia and acidosis. Be grateful that our heart has been pumping blood into our circulatory system ever since we were born. Be grateful that our lungs, our kidneys and livers have been working for us the many years until now. Our kidney can still work even when left with 5% capability.

We should heed preventive measures. It is never too difficult nor too far away or impossible! Don't be too ignorant that the 'demon of illness' will not strike just anybody. Don't prepare a condition that welcomes it to strike us. Don't invite, but scare it off, ward it with strong immune system and again be thankful that we are endowed with plentiful of vegetables, fruits and herbs that can prevent cancer at the first place. Yes, there are cancer-preventing foods in abundance so near us.

If there are foods that can cause cancer, there are also certain foods that can prevent it, be aware of this fact.

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About Me

Lucie is a someone with wide interests and skills, Doctor of the future, Nutritionist, food therapist, 21st Century Businesslady, and an Educator, an Artist, Acupunturist, a Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Consultant. She is well-loved among her people and family. PUT THINGS RIGHT, BE IT HEALTH, WEALTH OR BEAUTY She loves to learn new things, meet new people, is positive and optimistic, can be a great friend, pleasant, helpful and understanding. She has traveled far, to the states, Rome, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan just to name a few.. She has taught in secondary school for 8 years and home tutor for more than a decade. Main motive: educare - to educate and care for mankind She has more than 30 blogs as recommended above. She loves to travel. She has touched many people;s lives and will continue to... Contact number is 0138018033