Monday, April 28, 2008

Article 4, Sick? Know Why? Yin-Yang Imbalance? Stress? Poor Lifestyles? Deficiencies? Free Radicals?

[Health-and-Fitness] Why people get sick? Humans are actually tough, strong and highly resistant to many types of diseases. But modernization has changed our lifestyle, our food, our environment, quality of air and water. By then our immune system and other body systems are at stake. It is sort of being destroyed. More people are stressed due to their work, less laughters, less rest, less happiness and have less time in the caring of their own health and families.

Here are some reasons why a person might fall sick. Read through, it might be one of your bad habits. At the same time, modernization has changed our lifestyle, our food, our environment, quality of air and water. By then our immune system and other body systems are at stake. It is sort of being destroyed. More people are stressed due to their work, less laughter, less rest, less happiness and have less time in the caring of their own health and families...

[1] Long term imbalanced diets.

Macro foods refer to our 3 main meals, micro refers to small amounts of trace minerals, vitamins and phyto-factors that are greatly needed to boost our immune system and might not be found in our 3 meals. 'Not too much of just anything, but not a bit lacking' is the main requisite towards good health when consuming foods. Over consuming of the wrong foods will also cause 'dis-eases', and deficiency of just any vital nutrients will be fatal too. One must follow the healthy food pyramids.

[2] Environmental pollutants

May also cause us to fall sick. Highly polluted residing places will in the long term let inhabitants be exposed to highly toxic wastes, heavy metals and free radicals that tire out our immune system. Once our immune system is weakened, many health problems will come.

[3] Unstable emotions

Unstable emotions will create emotional turmoil that can also cause dis-eases. Anger, hatred, guilt, hurt, fear, stress, worries and suspicions will create negative responses that indirectly affect our appetite, our sleeping and resting mode and assimilation of nutrients. It also affects our breathing system. When a person is always tense and breathless with worries or anger, our breathing system will be affected.

[4] Unseen pressure or stressful living

This also contribute to mental stress that sometimes leads to uncontrollable anger or temper. Deadlines and responsibilities contribute to temporary insanity or mental breakdown too often found in highly stressed beings. People do have limits..

[5] Yin and Yang imbalance

It refers to a wide topic that might range from over-working, over-eating, over-drinking, over-indulging, over-sleeping, over-loading, over-intoxicating, over-sexed, over-heating, over-cooling or deficiencies of the just mentioned actions. Too yin or too yang will create illness of uneven distribution of energies. The best answer should be that all things should be in moderation, within safe limits and smartly balanced. Never go against Mother Nature. Don't overwork or burn our midnight oils to accomplish one's jobs. It is never wise, we are no robots and need to be rested enough. One should sleep and be tuned to our natural body clock.

[6] Abnormal metabolism

Disorders or abnormal metabolism can be due to defects of certain genes that are inborn errors. Some diseases are then caused by accumulation of toxic substances which might interfere with normal functions that reduce ability to synthesize essential compounds. It just doesn't work right. These pollutants might come from air or water and certain food and drinks we consume.

[7] Poor excretory system

Poor excretory system together with poor detoxifying abilities will also make one sick. Our lungs, our skins, our liver and our kidney must be in tiptop condition to do the excretory work to maintain a clean body environment freed of unwanted wastes, toxins and cholesterols or uric acids. Since most of them comes from improper food intakes, detoxification should be practised to cleanse our body system. It can be in the form of fasting, semi-fast, juicing or just any detoxifying job.

[8] Free radicals

from the air, from water and foods should be avoided because it creates havoc in our body system. Our body cells from certain parts of our body will grow abnormally and that might kill us at the end of the day. Learn to keep free radicals at bay by consuming more natural foods that are rich in antioxidants.

[9] body lack of oxygen.

A body lacking oxygen will feel fatigue and tires easily. Not enough nutrients and oxygen supplied to our brains will be brain-damaging which is irreversible and a sad thing to admit.

[10] Improper lifestyles.

Late nights for those who sleep late and waking only at noon when the sun is overhead is never healthy. These people will miss out their most important meals, their breakfast and the early refreshing air at day break. Dawn is an exceptionally beautiful part of the day where birds resume their singing and butterflies and bees buzzing with their daily chores. Of course, late nights are usually accompanied with dancing through the night, drinking and enjoying life in pub and nightclubs. When one is suppose to sleep when the sun sets, they are wide awake, when the sun rises, they are too tired to wake up. Life should be treasured and there are facts and proves that late nights are beauty robbers, late nights are never good for our detox organs in our body.

Heed or not to, it is up to all readers, but I pledge my heart and soul to remind all readers to be health-conscious and be responsible of our own health. Don't join the trend or crowd that lives life upside down. We are no nocturnal animals that can see in the dark and all of us are supposed to rest when the sun is down. Be health- smart, be health conscious, be loving to our body, for the sake of yourself and your loved ones. You won't live to regret, believe

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Lucie is a someone with wide interests and skills, Doctor of the future, Nutritionist, food therapist, 21st Century Businesslady, and an Educator, an Artist, Acupunturist, a Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Consultant. She is well-loved among her people and family. PUT THINGS RIGHT, BE IT HEALTH, WEALTH OR BEAUTY She loves to learn new things, meet new people, is positive and optimistic, can be a great friend, pleasant, helpful and understanding. She has traveled far, to the states, Rome, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan just to name a few.. She has taught in secondary school for 8 years and home tutor for more than a decade. Main motive: educare - to educate and care for mankind She has more than 30 blogs as recommended above. She loves to travel. She has touched many people;s lives and will continue to... Contact number is 0138018033